The 80s Top Ten Movies
3. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: A New Hope was a banging success. As such, the movie received a sequel. And thus, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back came to be. Not only did the actors from the first movie returned, but they brought back the magic from the first movie. Similarly, legendary actors like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and the late Carrie Fisher reprised their roles.

Source: Instagram (Fan Account)
Moving on, as we mentioned, the second installment of the franchise earned a huge amount of fortune. Likewise, on the opening weekend, the movie earned $4 million. Furthermore, at the end of its run, it grossed over $538 million globally.
And speaking of success, the movie won multiple awards. Likewise, it inspired multiple movies, TV shows, Spinoff series, and beloved animated series. And here is the list of awards won by the movie:
- Academy Awards, USA (1981)
- BAFTA (1981)
- Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA (1981, 2005, and 2012)
- DVD Exclusive Award (2005)
- Golden Screen, Germany (1981)
- GoldSpirit Awards (2004)
- Grammy Awards (1981)
- Guinness World Record Award (2015)
- Guinness World Record Award (1997)
- Hugo Awards (1981)
2. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Coming from the same Production Company as Star Wars, Indiana Jones became a massive success in the theaters. Moreover, Harrison Ford stars in the Indiana Jones franchise. Furthermore, Karen Allen stars as the lead actress for the movie.

Source: Instagram (indianajonesofficial)
Talking about success, the first installment of the Indiana Jones franchise earned millions at the box office. Specifically, the movie collected $8 million on the opening weekend. Similarly, by the end of its ran, it collected over $389 million. Interestingly, the movie was filmed with a budget of $18 million.
The movie managed to gain multiple sequels. As for awards, the film managed to win 38 prizes and was nominated for over 24 awards. Here are some of the most influential awards won by the first Jones movie:
- Academy Awards, USA (1982)
- BAFTA (1982)
- Grammy Awards (1982)
- Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA (1982 and 2004)
- American Cinema Editors, USA (1982)
- American Movie Awards (1982)
- Hugo Awards (1982)
- Boston Society of Film Critics Awards (1982)
- Kansas City Film Critics Circle Awards (1981)
- GoldSpirit Awards (2008)
- Guinness World Record Award (2015)