Sharon Epperson had a surgery for a brain aneurysm


Sharon Epperson returns to CNBC after a life-altering brain aneurysm

By Ben Adams

November 03, 2017

Sharon Epperson is back on air! The senior CNBC correspondent has returned to work after a 13 month long absence from television. What happened to Sharon Epperson? Well, she has been under intensive recovery after her brain aneurysm surgery in late 2016.

Sharon Epperson shares her recovery journey

Talking to TV Newser, Epperson revealed that after the surgery she had to learn how to walk and maintain her balance.

She spent two weeks in the ICU where she worried about making financial decisions, but her husband and sister were of great help in this matter. She also said how this hard time has made her appreciate family time.

“I treasured being able to engage with my family and loved ones who cared for me and supported me during this difficult time. I had to prioritize my days in a different way and learn how to be a better version of myself again,” said Epperson.

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When asked if this experience will affect her future career, she replied that it has only emphasized her views of having a “Plan B for life’s curve balls.”

A traumatic event – whether it is a disability, divorce, accident or loss of life – can and will be a financial disaster if you’re not prepared. – Sharon Epperson

She said, “I am now more determined than ever to make sure that my reporting helps people manage, grow and protect their money to ensure they are financially healthy for their lifetime.”

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