Tomi Lahren is the newest addition to Fox News


Tomi Lahren is the newest addition to Fox News

By Priscilla Matthews

August 31, 2017

The newest member to the Fox Channel, Tomi Lahren is also elected to the Fox Channel’s hot favorite list. Just at the age of 25, Tomi has achieved a huge fame.

She joined Fox News earlier in August this year. Lahren has worked with TheBlaze and One America News Network before joining Fox. The New York Times has labeled her as the ‘rising media star’.

Tomi is a true gem to the industry; she’s got the talent, the glam, well maintained body, and perfect face for the camera.

Success seems to have followed her, she had a head over heels moment from the starting of her career, when she interviewed for internship she was offered her own talk show in One America News Network.

Since then Tomi has been continuously climbing the stairs to success. Lahren not only is talented but she holds true beauty and perfect body measurements.

She has been an inspiration to many youngsters aspiring to pursue journalism.

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