Charles Krauthammer dead at 68


Charles Krauthammer’s Message to Fans Regarding his Health Status

By Ludwig Paige

February 23, 2018

[Update: Charles Krauthammer dies at 68 due to cancer.]

[UpdateCharles Krauthammer gives his “final verdict” and says he has few “days to live”]


Fans have been desperately waiting for their favorite commentator, Charles Krauthammer’s return to television for a few months.

Krauthammer has been missing from TV and social media since August 2017, after he underwent planned surgery.

In recent months, Charles has been sending messages to his fans through his friend, Bret Baier, despite his absence. 

Though Bret has shared his message about his slow and steady recovery, fans have been asking about his health condition on social media regularly.

Krauthammer has once again sent a message through Baier saying that he is progressing slower than he would like.

Things are progressing steadily – slower than I would like, but steadily. Still, I wish I could give you – and myself – a better idea of when this marathon ends. I’m sure it is strange for your viewers that a regular panelist should disappear for months without warning and without any real explanation. After my surgery, there were serious complications that took several months to stabilize. My improvement medically has finally allowed me to concentrate on intensive rehabilitation to recover my strength and stamina. This too is progressing well, but as usual, is intense and slow. Nonetheless, I am determined to make it back. I’ve got to – I can’t let you guys have all the fun. 

Get well soon, Charles! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.