Atika Shubert


Atika Shubert

By Daisy Adams

May 19, 2014

Unarguably one of the most successful journalists of America, Atika’s salary or net worth is an unknown aspect. Information on how much CNN pays her is not available.

Likewise, her total net worth is also hidden. But her luxurious life suggests she is getting paid a high amount of salary from CNN. It seems logical too as she’s been associated with CNN from a long time.

Atika Shubert is from Indonesia

Atika Shubert, an award-winning Indonesian News Anchor, is associated with CNN since 1998. Prior to her career as a news anchor on CNN, she was a news reporter for The New Zealand Herald and Washington Post.

Born in 1970, Shubert is currently 46 years old. Information regarding her date of birth, childhood and parents have not been mentioned anywhere.

Shubert did her schooling from Jakarta International School and graduated in Economics in 1995 from Tufts University located in Medford, Massachusetts. Her professional life as a news anchor began after her graduation from the Tufts University.

She served for CNN Jakarta as a station reporter and covered some major events including the fall of Indonesian President Suharto.

CNN’s Atika Shubert had an incredible journey as a journalist

In rise of her career, she moved to Japan in 2004. She covered various incidents like Japanese hostage situation in Iraq, controversial deployment of Japanese Self-Defense Forces, and the verdict regarding the 1995 Tokyo Sarin gas attack.

In the year 2005, she covered the 60th Anniversary of the 1945 atomic bombing in Hiroshima. She also covered the news regarding the Peninsula nuclear problem and Nuclear experiments by North Korea.

In fact, Shubert was the first CNN reporter to cover the news about the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. She also covered the 2002 Bali Bombing, the appointment of new president Megawati Sukarnoputri and the downfall of Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid.

She also covered important events including religion-conflict in the Ambon City, freedom movement in East Timor and the downfall of Indonesian president Suharto.

In the year 2008, Atika moved to London bureau to cover news stories from all around Europe and the UK. She was stuck in a controversy after her interview with Wikileaks CEO and Founder Julian Assange when she raised questions about his alleged sexual assualt during the show and Assagne walked away.

At the age of 46, she still looks gorgeous

Atika is a perfect example of beauty with brain. There are no information regarding her body measurements. However, her elegant dressing sense and smart appearance is an attraction to her viewers.

She is 46 but one cannot guess her age from the looks of her smooth skin. She has maintained herself very well.

Her fitness regime is unknown but seems like she takes her fitness aspects seriously. A mother of a son, Shubert surprisingly looks hotly graceful in her slim body.

Atika Shubert got pregnant with in 2009

Moving on to her personal biography; she has kept her personal life private. She doesn’t want her private life to be revealed to the public.

Thus, no information about her husband or marital life is available. But news of her pregnancy came out in 2009. She is blessed with a baby boy.

Her past affairs or link ups are also not available to the media. It’s really hard breaking her silence.